Swabhimaan Scheme

To successfully tackle the problems of Malnutrition, Anemia and other relevant issues the U.Tadministration of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar haveli has launched the Swabhiman Scheme under this scheme 7.5 kg nutritious, Take Home Ration is provided every month to Pregnant Women, Lactating Mothers and Sabla (Adolescent Category in the age group of11-14 years out of school). Approximately 300 extra calories are needed
Preganant/ Lactating Women & Adolescent Girls
Improve nutritional status of pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls | Provide monthly quota of supplementary nutrition to pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls on a xed day of every month as take home ration. | Increase the number beneficiaries availing the scheme. | Increase attendance of women in the Anganwadis where they can also avail benets of others schemes and made aware of health and hygiene issues. | Reduction in stunting, Premature deliveries and low weight babies. |
How To Apply
Visit, Social Welfare Department DNH & DD