Hot cooked meal through Akshaya Patra for AWC childrens

A hot cooked meal is to be provided under Anganwadi services to the children in the age group of 3 years to 6 years. Since a child of this age group is not capable of consuming a meal of 500 calories in one sitting, the guidelines prescribed provision of morning snack and a Hot Cooked Meal. The administration has introduced a centralized kitchen for cooking morning snacks and meals under (Supplementary Nutrition Programme) through centralized kitchen managed by Akshay Patra Foundation and same is supplying Hot Cooked Meals to all anganwadies of UT of DNH and Daman and Diu in 1st of kind initiative.
Childrens (3 years to 6 years)
hot cooked meal is to be provided under Anganwadi services to the children in the age group of 3 years to 6 years
How To Apply
Social Welfare Department