4C Project Beti Janmahotsav

To tackle to issue of Anaemia and Malnutrition in the UT, the Health Department has launched a unique initiative of – 4 C Project (Collaborative Community Care through (CSR) which aims at roping CSR funds in the programmes of the health sector specifically focussed on anaemia & malnutrition. The project is launched in the month of January
2020 and the implementation will begin shortly after completing the assessment of all requirements. Funds have already been roped in for the purpose of achieving and Malnutrition & Anaemia Free UT and accordingly, convergence will be done along with available Central/UT schemes.
Appx 1,00,000 Anaemic Children / Womens
To reduce the anemia level in dierent age groups (women and children) - To provide clear and simple recommendations to use IFA & Vitamin C supplements to the Community - To prevent and treat iron deciency anemia. - To advocate lifestyle modications mainly dietary diversication and food fortication - To test & treat non nutritional anemia (Malaria, Sickle Cell Anemia)
How To Apply
Village wise adoption.
Severely anaemic children and Non-pregnant women: Take home ration (Rs.500
/bag/ month ).
Double fortified salt to all households @ Rs. 10 per kg
Establishment of moringa parks in community lands.
Distribution of moringa powder.
Health care education
Establishment of HAAT (Health Advocacy, Assistant and Treatment) Centres in
Health and Wellness centres with a nodal staff