National Awards for Best Performance in the year 2019

An annual national ranking of all the States/UTs of India on the basis of 09 performance indicators having a maximum score for each indicator and totalling 100 is done by the Central TB Division, MoHFW, Government of India. Based on the aggregate score of the States/UTs the felicitation is done by the MoHFW in three categories – Uts, states with population <50 lakhs and states with population >50 lakhs. In the State/UT TB Score the UT of Dadra and Nagar Haveli attained 90.91(highest among all the States/UTs) out of 100 and was top on the list. As DNH is a UT, its name was in the UT category.
UT Category: UT of Dadra & Nagar Haveli was awarded as the best performing UT in the country. As the UT was merged on 26th January 2020 with Daman Diu and the felicitation was announced in June 2020, the name of UT in the certificate was shown as Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu.
Award Details
Name: Best Performing UT in Implementation of National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme
Year: 2019
Conferred On: 24/06/2020
Certificate: View(115 KB)